Become A Volunteer
Choose the place you want to volunteer
There are several areas we need help. If you want to be impactful and help us with our vision, we have plenty for you to do. Simply contact us and we can get started placing you.
Camp Volunteer
Spend time with the youth teaching them about aviation and other STEM programs that will enrich their future.
Volunteer IN office
Help out with special needs we have working on various office duties, keeping our business straight and in order.
Fundraiser Volunteer
Spend time helping us connect with the community and building relationships that will help us raise funds.
Calculate your entitlements as a Volunteer

$9,000 +

$6,000 – $8,999

$2,000 – $5,999

$300 – $1,999
Look at the levels of donation amounts and make a choice or choose the amount you would like to give today by clicking the donation button below!