Adriannette L. Williams, Esq.

Being a participant in the Daniel “Chappie” James, Jr. Flight Academy was one of the defining moments of my teenage years. The Academy set a foundation of academic excellence in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM); learning about lift, drag, and velocity in the program instilled academic confidence that landed me in Physics Honors courses my senior year of high school. The program continues to be a source of pride to the city of Pensacola through the success of past participants. Young students learn the literal and figurative “heights” they can aspire to attain by observing the successful black pilots who model giving back to the community each year.  This program is imperative for students of color, as it could change the very trajectory of their life. Just as the quote stated, I have never been the same since my mind and body took flight two decades ago; I am all the better because of my experiences within the program. I urge you to support the Daniel “Chappie” James, Jr. Flight Academy.