Journey Washingtonhigh

My name is Journey Washingtonhigh, and I attended the summer program at the Flight Academy in 2018.

The “Chappie” James Flight Academy is a wonderful institution! It has an excellent curriculum and wonderful instructors. During my time there, I learned quite a bit about STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math). I enjoyed the lessons and collaborative projects. I love all things science so the opportunity to learn about flight dynamics was exciting.

The instructors were phenomenal. We were taught by experienced, knowledgeable persons including active/retired military, flight instructors, and civilian pilots. They were engaging and taught us all very well. I liked that they told us about the many educational pursuits and careers that are possible in this area. They were also very instrumental in helping students take the next steps to make that a reality.

This program helps to solidify my love of science. I was able to ask many questions and get deep into the subject matter. I also loved the hands-on activities and being able to speak with qualified, experienced instructors.

Following that camp, in my next school year, I was selected as a Sunshine State Scholar, the highest STEM award in our state. Having this opportunity gave me the confidence to apply to many of the best colleges in the area. I have been accepted to the University of Florida, Florida Tech, Embry-Riddle, University of South Florida, and others. Out of state, I have been accepted to Rice, Cornell, and Vanderbilt University.

What was the highlight of the summer program? Of course, it was getting to pilot the plane at Ferguson Airport! This was a once-in-a-lifetime experience and a representation of the new heights we had all achieved.

Thank you, Chappie James Flight Academy for all you do! I stand in support of your future plans and endeavors!