Mychal J. Martin

Coming of age in Pensacola, Florida, I was very fascinated by the power of flight and the freedom that it gives even today when I’m up in the heavens teaching students as a flight instructor. Except there was one problem, I never saw anyone who looked like me who was an aviator even though I had seen the movie, Tuskegee Airmen (1995). It wasn’t until June 1998 at age 11 that I had the opportunity to not only be part of General Daniel “Chappie” James, Jr. Flight Academy but see and be around highly accomplished black aviators as a benchmark and Northstar to accomplish my dream as an aviator. Ever since that memorable year, I have owed a tremendous debt of gratitude to the academy staff and the example of General James. I wouldn’t be where I am without the support, guidance, and leadership of the academy.